
You’ve signed a contract for your dream job with us and your first day at work is fast approaching? We are looking forward to your arrival and use the time to make all the necessary preparations.

We attach particularly great importance to introducing you to the job optimally. When you start, your supervisor will provide you with a customized onboarding plan, which will accompany you through the first months. We show you all the important processes and workflows, answer your questions openly and transparently, and ensure that you feel happy and integrated here. During the first few months, we stay in contact regularly, so that you receive feedback, and we can also learn from your feedback.

In addition, you can also get to know a lot of friendly colleagues through casual meetings in our cafeteria. Even if you are not based at the Zeven site, we will ensure that you have regular contact with your colleagues.

In any case, welcome to the MAPA family!