Production Site

Quality products “Made in Germany”: locally developed, ultramodern production processes highly automated with state-of-the-art technologies. We set developer and technician hearts racing and thus ensure the premium quality of our products.

The MAPA GmbH site in Zeven, Germany, covers an area of 165,000 m2. It offers space for the whole value chain of our products – from development to production right up to shipment. The great advantage is that everything is in one place, meaning the distances between the offices, production halls, and warehouses are short. This facilitates cooperation considerably and speeds up decision-making processes. On the one hand, we manufacture our condoms from latex using the dip molding technique. On the other hand, we develop and produce our NUK products employing different processes such as ultramodern two-component injection molding and highly automated assembly systems. Our product developers work with the latest CAD systems and breathe the first breath of life into the products with 3D printers. In addition, production is subject to the highest quality standards and safety norms. And the warehouse? Equipped with state-of-the-art pick-by-voice technology of course! This allows us to supply more than 100 countries all across the world from our base in Zeven. Located between Hamburg and Bremen, the company headquarters is easily reached from both cities thanks to its excellent connection to the highway.